I keep banging on to my friends about how amazing this wrap is and begging them to try it out!
I originally discovered it at the deli below the yoga studio I go to and must admit I became a bit addicted. I would have it about 3 or 4 times a week and would find myself craving it as soon as I woke up!!
So, I decided for the sake of my bank balance, and to save embarrassment of the deli staff seeing my face every day asking for the same thing, I would try to make it myself.
Now it's become a regular lunch for me, as well as an easy-to-make dinner to have after I get back from yoga or spinning (you can have without the wrap too, adding more leaves to make it more of a salad)
Sweet potato, feta & spinach wrap
(By the way, I never weight anything sorry!!!)
Tortilla wrap (or wrap of your choice)
Diced sweet potato
Diced butternut squash
Chopped baby tomatoes
Feta cheese
Spinach leaves
Pine nuts
1. Roast the diced sweet potato, butternut squash and tomatoes in a roasting dish with some coconut oil and a sprinkle of rock salt. You can do a bigger batch then you need and then store in the fridge for the next few days.

2. Spread your wrap with a thin layer of hummous. Add a hefy helping of the sweet potato mix (warm or cold is yum). Sprinkle with feta, a few spinach leaves, grated beetroot, pine nuts and a few pomegranate seeds.
3. Fold into a wrap and savour every single delicious mouthful of flavour!!! Tell me what you think and if you are as big a fan as me now?
