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Body & Mind
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Move. Open. Learn. Protect. Nourish. Heal.

The liberation of my breast reduction
From the age of 13, just after I had started my periods, I developed big boobs. I had a petite 5ft 3 inch frame, and while many might...

The struggle for positivity is real
I used to be extremely positive. Annoyingly so. I think I even listed it as one of the top three personal assets on my CV. "She's too...

How I get out of a real grump
I've been discovering recently that my ability to get into a bad mood is becoming much better, wereas my ability to get out of said bad...

The little leak club
I remember there being a lot of chat within my friendship group after birth (especially with our second kids) around the topic of...

The right way to wipe: Toilet hygiene for women
Do you know the best way to wipe after going to the loo? Yes, I know it sounds obvious, but it’s only recently (yes in my 40th year of...

The stomach bug anxiety
I'm no stranger to throwing up. I spent 9 whole months doing it multiple times daily while I was pregnant with my youngest son. And yet,...

Getting through hayfever season
Hay fever is an annoying annual condition that affects up to 1 in 5 people in the UK. Its medical name is seasonal rhinitis and it is...

A cold shower can solve most things
I started having cold showers by accident (and it was way before Wim Hoff became so popular!!). In our old house, when anyone flushed a...

How well do you know your vagus nerve?
I've come to know my own vagus nerve quite well recently. In fact, I've named him Johnny (as in Johnny Vegas...get it?) I'd heard loads...

What to do about broken sleep
I spend a good chunk of my working week researching and writing about sleep. It's a subject that many of my clients and their clients are...
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